Child Headed Households
Growing Up Too Soon
One of the most devastating consequences of the AIDS crisis in Malawi is the rise of Child Headed Households (CHH), where children are left to fend for themselves due to the loss of parents and the inability or lack of surviving relatives to care for them.
The oldest child, sometimes as young as 7 or 8 years old, assumes the responsibility of the sole provider, caregiver, and protector of the family, which deprives them of their childhood and the opportunity to go to school. This also forces them to look for ways to provide for their siblings, which increases their vulnerability to child labor, HIV infections, and destructive sexual and cultural practices.
Restoring Lost Childhoods
Through our CHH Ministry, we provide these brave children with the resources and support that a parent would typically offer: protection, food, shelter, education, and the emotional and spiritual care they so desperately need.
We can see God’s restoration at work when His people team up to come alongside these vulnerable children—helping them as needed and reminding them they are not alone, abandoned, or forgotten.
Would you prayerfully consider joining us?
*Under Purpose, select Child Headed Households*
I remember one granny who had suffered a stroke and was the guardian for her 14-year old grandson, neither of whom could take good care of the other.
When we came out to their house to welcome them into the program she said, “Every night since you came, I have been praying that God would make a way where there was no way. Today, God has answered my prayers."
The lives of the CHH families are forever changed because they finally have hope and are being shown love and support where some thought there was no hope.
Jodi Gardner
Operations Director