Two recent developments highlight the impact of last year’s Passion Center Emergency Education/ COVID-19 Response Project:
First, out of the 11 Passion students who recently wrote exams to earn their Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE), 8 of them passed. That’s a 72.7% success rate! This is amazing when you consider that in Malawi, only about 35% of students finish primary school. Passing this exam is crucial because it allows them to move on to secondary school. Though less than 25% of students complete secondary school, our prayer and goal is to see these Passion students continue to far exceed that rate!
Those who did not pass or scored lower than we’d like will all re-do their last year in order to pass and raise their scores as well, and we're confident that they will be successful.
Second, it is also encouraging to report that 2 of the schools that benefited from the Emergency Education COVID-19 Response Project showed improvements in their overall exam results. As you may remember, we provided specialized education tutoring and instruction to all final year students in 5 area schools during the time when Malawi schools were closed. The results show a marked improvement in both exam pass rates as well as acceptance rates to government schools!
Thank you for allowing us to step in when no other instruction was available. We were blessed to see 147 students give their lives to Christ during that time, and now we've learned that the pass and acceptance rates improved also. Those are blessings upon blessings!