African women work very hard, with very little rest. This is why it seemed like
such a great idea to offer them a Women’s Conference. The ladies come from
long distances. They always arrive early, dressed in bright colors and happy
faces. Often with babies tied on their backs, they are ready to meet one another
for inspiration and powerful fellowship.
It is an absolute honor to be able to participate in this good work on behalf of the
Lord. In my life I have never seen such a beautiful gaggle of ladies dancing so
joyfully! They dance with freedom and abandon, with bouncing little ones on their
backs. The infants fall asleep with the rhythm and safety of Mama.
Two years ago we hosted the first ever Women’s Conference in Jali, along with
the fine ladies of Mulunguzi. When we gave the invitation to ask Jesus to come
into their hearts, 250 out of the 300 women there came forward to say “yes” to
the Lord! This was so amazing! Never have I seen such a longing for a personal
touch from the Savior.
I am humbled to have the opportunity to get to know these women; to enjoy
sharing such closeness with them. The Lord Jesus breaks every chain and
hurdle and creates an incredible bond between us. There is no communication
barrier, even though they can’t understand what I am saying. No, it is so much
more. It is the language of mutual love and admiration, in the Name of the
Beautiful and Mighty King of Kings!
Cindy Ousterhout