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My Life Has Never Been The Same | CHN Volunteer

Video: Community Health Network Volunteer Fanny Buleya shares her experience working with the CHN ministry

“My name is Fanny Buleya. I come from Kwindimubule CHN group. I have benefited alot through the CHN ministry. From the time that I started learning from the CHN coordinator my life has never been the same. My family has never been the same, even my relatives. I received Jesus Christ as a personal Lord and Savior. Right now I'm a born-again Christian. I received Jesus Christ and I walk with Him now. Even my family is happy because now I'm saved. We pray for the CHN team that God should bless them so that they can continue to teach even more people. Thank you."

We are so thankful to see and hear how God is working through the CHN ministry both in the community and in the lives of our wonderful volunteers like Fanny. To God be all the glory!


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