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Poultry & Backyard Gardening Update

Our Poultry & Backyard Gardening Project is FULLY FUNDED!

Because of your generosity, we raised enough support to begin providing the start-up resources, training, and discipleship for the first 70 households identified!

This week we kicked off the project with training at the Mulunguzi and Jali centers. The first portion of the training covered business skills and various aspects of vegetable gardening, including land preparation and choosing seeds based on the soil type. This was facilitated by Maxwell Chinangwa, who is the Project Coordinator. The second portion of the training covered chicken housing, feeding, breeding, parasites, and disease control. This was facilitated by Mr. Mkwezalamba, an official from the district Agriculture department.

The participants were equipped with the much-needed knowledge and skills for productive poultry farming and vegetable gardening through the training. They were also encouraged to take the training seriously so that they can fully benefit from the project. For the next 2 weeks, the beneficiaries will be constructing chicken houses and preparing land for the backyard gardens. Start-up chickens and vegetable seeds will be distributed in the second and third week of April!


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